Hello world

Hello everyone! We are the team of temp-mail.io. This is the first our post in this blog. Who we are? We are disposable temporary email service. First of all, we want to tell you about how it works. Let's begin.

What is temporary email

This is email, like your@website.com, that you can use anywhere: registration on websites, socials, getting links to arhives with different containement, getting funny memes, etc.

But this email will be deleted after some time. So you can use it as you like, and then is will be removed from our service.

Why I need temporary email instead of my own email adress?

These are few valuable things:

  1. Spam. Absolutely no spam in your real email address. All anoying subscriptions, adverts and news goes to our service. We know what to do with it, just relax 😎
  2. Anonymity. Hackers cannot get your real email, name, etc. So this is good way to improve your security in the web.

This is all. We will be write more interesting posts about important things, like security, new features, our important news. Good luck! 🍀